

This second recipe covers the multi-lithology and stratigraphic component of gospl. Specifically we will be looking at:

  • the information required to set a multi-lithology model in gospl,

  • how to define initial sedimentary layers with relevant information,

  • how to extract the outputs from a specific simuation and interpolate the results on a structured grid (vts)

  • how to analyse the simulated stratigraphic record and layer information (such as the percentage of each lithology or the porosity values at different depths).

As for the previous recipe, the simulation proposed here uses data freely available from the web and will run without additional dataset. The dataset are imported in the jupyter notebooks from the following THREDDS servers:

  1. Topography file from NOAA ETOPO5,

  2. Precipitation file from the CPC collection.

This example is built based on the Recipe1 model where we use the global model to run a simulation for a particular continental-scale region here the Gulf of Mexico. The mesh is approx. 25 km around North America and above 1000 km elsewhere.

The recipe presents a coarser version of the following simulations which take longer to run.
