Catchment characteristics

We will see how to extract specific catchments from model outputs and their main rivers longitudinal profiles.

Loading required libraries

import os
import pooch
from script import readOutput as rout

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray
import pandas as pd
from scipy import spatial

from pysheds.grid import Grid
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline, BSpline

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

label_size = 7
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = label_size
matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = label_size
matplotlib.rc('font', size=6)

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

%matplotlib inline

We first define a folder where exported files will be stored:

out_path = 'export'
if not os.path.exists(out_path):

Building a Netcdf file

As for many of the approach described in these examples, we start by building from our gospl outputs a netcdf file.

As we saw previously, netcdf exports are done by using the script presented in the previous notebook. Here we export all the time steps at once by looping through the number of outputs (5 in this case).

Then the buildLonLatMesh function is used to interpolate (using a kd-tree approach) the gospl variables on a regular mesh. It also provides a way to limit the created netcdf file by defining a bounding box:

uplift_forcing = False

# Specifying the grid resolution in degrees
reso = 0.1

# Total number of outputs
nbstep = 5

# Bounding box
bb = [-134,12,-46,80]

def build_ncgrid(ncout, nbstep, bbox, reso, fname, uplift_forcing):

    # Looping through the output time steps
    for k in range(nbstep+1):
        if k == 0:
            # Calling the initialisation function for our class 
            ncgrid = rout.readOutput(path='./', filename=fname, 
                                     step=k, nbstep=nbstep+1, 
            # Update the variables after the first time steps
            ncgrid.update(step=k, uplift=uplift_forcing)

        # Build the regular grid defining the bounding box
        ncgrid.buildLonLatMesh(res=reso, nghb=3, box=bbox)
    # Export as netcdf
    ncgrid.exportNetCDF(ncfile = ncout)

Calling the function build_ncgrid to export the netcdf file on the desired bounding box:

ncout = os.path.join(out_path, "")
# We commented the next line and loaded the dataset from figshare (see below)
build_ncgrid(ncout, nbstep, bb, reso, fname='input.yml', uplift_forcing=False)
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (3% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================  ] (97% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.0574014 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 31563
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (3% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.0559826 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 26782
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (3% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================  ] (97% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.055139 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 23957
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (3% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.0545582 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 21810
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.0544627 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 20291
A Priority-Flood+Epsilon
C Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla, D., 2014. Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024

c topology = D8
p Setting up boolean flood array matrix...
p Adding cells to the priority queue...
p Performing Priority-Flood+Epsilon...

[                                                  ] (1% - 0.1s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (2% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[=                                                 ] (3% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
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[================================================= ] (98% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
[================================================= ] (99% - 0.0s - 1 threads)
t succeeded in 0.0542256 s
m Cells processed = 599961
m Cells in pits = 18728

Here we will download the file directly from figshare:

# ncout = pooch.retrieve(
#     url="",
#     known_hash="sha256:fdc4a4ac70bca66ed20c3a126fdbf8fd2b33a2b47170e45c53eaf96f20f42a32",
#     downloader=pooch.HTTPDownloader(progressbar=True),
#     fname="",
# )

Visualising with xarray

Let first use the netcdf file created and open it with the xarray library in the jupyter environment:

ds = xr.open_dataset(ncout, decode_times=False)
Dimensions:        (latitude: 681, longitude: 881, time: 6)
  * time           (time) float64 0.0 1e+04 2e+04 3e+04 4e+04 5e+04
  * latitude       (latitude) float64 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 ... 79.8 79.9 80.0
  * longitude      (longitude) float64 -134.0 -133.9 -133.8 ... -46.1 -46.0
Data variables:
    elevation      (time, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    erodep         (time, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    precipitation  (time, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    drainageArea   (time, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    basinID        (time, latitude, longitude) int32 ...
    description:  gospl outputs
    history:      Created Thu Jul 22 23:16:03 2021

By default the mesh is written in lon/lat (projection epsg:4326 as gospl is a global model).

Using the rioxarray library we have the ability to reproject the dataset in any other type of projection. Let’s reproject the dataset in utm coordinates:

ds =
print('Default projection:',

print('Estimated UTM projection:',
ds_utm =

Default projection: EPSG:4326
Estimated UTM projection: EPSG:32615
Dimensions:        (time: 6, x: 1255, y: 937)
  * x              (x) float64 -4.36e+06 -4.352e+06 ... 6.225e+06 6.233e+06
  * y              (y) float64 9.233e+06 9.224e+06 ... 1.334e+06 1.326e+06
  * time           (time) float64 0.0 1e+04 2e+04 3e+04 4e+04 5e+04
    spatial_ref    int64 0
Data variables:
    elevation      (time, y, x) float64 1.798e+308 1.798e+308 ... 1.798e+308
    erodep         (time, y, x) float64 1.798e+308 1.798e+308 ... 1.798e+308
    precipitation  (time, y, x) float64 1.798e+308 1.798e+308 ... 1.798e+308
    drainageArea   (time, y, x) float64 1.798e+308 1.798e+308 ... 1.798e+308
    basinID        (time, y, x) int32 -2147483647 -2147483647 ... -2147483647
    description:  gospl outputs
    history:      Created Thu Jul 22 23:16:03 2021

We will now take a specific time step using the isel function (here we chose the last time step) and extract the elevation data variables.

# Taking the last time step of the elevation array
elevArray = ds_utm.isel(time=[-1])["elevation"][0,:,:]

# Assigning a value of -9999.0 to all point below sea-level
elevArray = elevArray.where(elevArray>0, other=-9999.0)

# Export to geotiff
tifout = os.path.join(out_path, "GoMtime5.tif")

Using pysheds library for watershed delineation


Information regarding the pysheds library can be found on the project github page.

def plotraster(grd, data, nd, label, v_min, v_max, cmap='Blues'):
    Simple plotting function to visualise the raster dataset
    data =, mask = (data <= nd))
    ax = plt.gca()
    im = plt.imshow(data, extent=grd.extent, cmap=cmap, vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max)
    plt.colorbar(im, label=label, shrink=0.5)


We first read the DEM data (i.e. the geotiff file created above):

grid = Grid.from_raster(tifout, data_name='dem')
dem = grid.view('dem', nodata=-9999.0)
dem[dem == -9999] = np.nan

# Compute the depressions
grid.fill_depressions('dem', out_name='filled',
                      nodata_in = -9999, nodata_out = -9999)
filled = grid.view('filled', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)

# Resolve flat areas
grid.resolve_flats(data='filled', out_name='demnoflat',
                   nodata_in = -9999, nodata_out = -9999)
demnoflat = grid.view('demnoflat', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)

# Compute the flow direction
dirmap = (3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4)
grid.flowdir('demnoflat', out_name='d8', dirmap=dirmap,
             nodata_in = -9999, nodata_out = -9999, pits = -9999, flats = -9999)
d8 = grid.view('d8', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)

# Compute the flow accumulation
grid.accumulation(data='d8', out_name='flowd8')
flowd8 = grid.view('flowd8', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)
flowd8[d8 == -9999] = -9999

Let’s visualise the generated outputs with our plotting function plotraster:

plotraster(grid, dem, -9999, 'Elevation (m)', -100, 3000, 'gist_earth')
plotraster(grid, demnoflat - dem, -9999, 'fill no flat (m)', -25, 25, 'RdBu_r')
plotraster(grid, d8, -9999, 'flow direction', -1, 8, 'Accent_r')
plotraster(grid, flowd8, -9999, 'flow accumulation', 0, np.max(flowd8)/1000, 'Blues')

Extracting specific outlets

To extract specific catchments, pysheds requires the position of the outlet.

Here we show how to extract some specific outlets based on the flow accumulation values.


The approach here could be automatised to make it easier for the user…

We start by finding the maximum flow accumulation in the entire raster and we will use the corresponding catchment for our analyse.

# Find the point ID corresponding to the maximum flow accumulation value
outletID = np.where(flowd8.flatten() == flowd8.max())[0]

# Get the corresponding point coordinate
outletPt = dem.coords[outletID,:][0]

# Define this first outlet by x1,y1
x1, y1 = outletPt[1], outletPt[0]

We now extract a second outlet corrsponding to the biggest river entering the Gulf of Mexico:

# Find the point ID corresponding to the maximum flow accumulation value in the Gulf of Mexico
outletID = np.where(flowd8.flatten() == flowd8[600:800,500:700].max())[0]

# Get the corresponding point coordinate
outletPt = dem.coords[outletID,:][0]

# Define this first outlet by x2,y2
x2, y2 = outletPt[1], outletPt[0]

Let’s see where these 2 outlets are:

data =, mask = (flowd8 <= -9999))
ax = plt.gca()
im = plt.imshow(data, extent=grid.extent, cmap='Blues', vmin=0, vmax=np.max(flowd8)/1000)

plt.plot(x1,y1, 'o', color='r', markersize=10, 
         markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=1)
plt.plot(x2,y2, 'o', color='g', markersize=10, 
         markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=1)

plt.colorbar(im, label='flow accumulation', shrink=0.5)


Get corresponding catchments

We now define a function getCatchment which extract river network (up to a specified flow accumulation threshold).

def getCatchment(geotiff, x, y, threshold):
    Extract a specific river network based on outlet position and flow accumulation threshold.
    grd = Grid.from_raster(geotiff, data_name='dem')

    grd.fill_depressions('dem', out_name='filled',
                          nodata_in = -9999, nodata_out = -9999)
    grd.resolve_flats(data='filled', out_name='inflated_dem')

    dirmap = (3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4)
    grd.flowdir('inflated_dem', out_name='dir', dirmap=dirmap,
                  nodata_in = -9999, nodata_out = -9999, 
                  pits = -9999, flats = -9999)
    grd.accumulation(data='dir', out_name='acc2')

    acc2 = grd.view('acc2', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)
    acc2[acc2==0] = -9999
    grd.catchment(data='dir', x=x, y=y, out_name='catch',
                    recursionlimit=15000, xytype='label')

    grd.clip_to('catch', pad=(1,1,1,1))

    grd.accumulation(data='catch', out_name='acc')
    acc = grd.view('acc', nodata = -9999).astype(np.float32)
    acc[acc==0] = -9999
    branches = grd.extract_river_network('catch', 'acc', dirmap=dirmap, threshold=threshold, 
                                       nodata_in=-9999, routing='d8',
    data =, mask = (acc <= -9999))
    ax = plt.gca()
    im = plt.imshow(data, extent=grd.extent, cmap='Blues', vmin=0, vmax=np.max(acc)/100)

    plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color='r', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=1)
    plt.colorbar(im, label='flow accumulation', shrink=0.5)

    tree = spatial.cKDTree(dem.coords, leafsize=10)
    branch_df = []
    nbbranches = len(branches['features'])
    for b in range(nbbranches):
        branch = branches['features'][b]
        branchXY = np.asarray(branch['geometry']['coordinates'])
        branchXY = np.flip(branchXY,1)
        dist, id = tree.query(branchXY, k=1)
        elev = demnoflat.flatten()[id]
        fa = acc2.flatten()[id]

        data = np.vstack((branchXY[:,0], branchXY[:,1], 
                          elev, fa))
        df = pd.DataFrame(data.T,
                          columns = ['x','y','elev','fa'])
        df = df[df.fa > -9999]
        df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

        xx = df.x.to_numpy()
        yy = df.y.to_numpy()
        dx = xx[1:]-xx[:-1]
        dy = yy[1:]-yy[:-1]
        step_size = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
        cumulative_distance = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(step_size)))
        df['dist'] = cumulative_distance

    endbranch = None
    maxfa = -10000
    for b in range(nbbranches):
        if branch_df[b].fa[0] > maxfa:
            maxfa = branch_df[b].fa[0]
            endbranch = b
    newdf = []
    for b in range(nbbranches):
        if b != endbranch:
    return branches, newdf

We call the function for the 2 outlets that were defined previously. The function returns 2 variables:

  1. a dictionnary containing the geometry and coordinates of the main rivers

  2. a pandas dataframe containing for each river the associated flow and elevation information

#branches1, bdf1 = getCatchment(geotiff=tifout, x=x1, y=y1, threshold=2000)
branches2, bdf2 = getCatchment(geotiff=tifout, x=x2, y=y2, threshold=2000)

Plotting river networks

The river networks can be obtained directly from the previous function first variable:

def plotBranch(branchnb):

    ax = plt.gca()

    for branch in branchnb['features']:
        line = np.asarray(branch['geometry']['coordinates'])
        plt.plot(line[:, 0], line[:, 1], lw=3)


Longitudinal profiles

The second variable can be used to extract river longitudinal profile. To do so we define a new function combineBranch which connect each individual trunk together:

def combineBranch(branch_df):
    check = True
    pp = 0
    nbbranches = len(branch_df)
        for b in range(0,nbbranches):
            row1 = branch_df[b].iloc[0]
            x1, y1, dist1 = row1.x, row1.y, row1.dist

            lastrow = np.array(branch_df[b].tail(1))[0]
            xend, yend, distend = lastrow[0], lastrow[1], lastrow[-1]

            for nextb in range(0,nbbranches):
                if nextb != b:
                    firstrow = branch_df[nextb].iloc[0]
                    xstart, ystart, diststart = firstrow.x, firstrow.y, firstrow.dist
                    changed = False
                    if diststart == 0:
                        if abs(xstart-xend) < 1. and abs(ystart-yend) < 1.0:
                            if b == 0:
                                branch_df[nextb].dist += distend
                                changed = True
                                if dist1 > 0.:
                                    branch_df[nextb].dist += distend
                                    changed = True
                        if not changed:
                            if abs(xstart-x1) < 1. and abs(ystart-y1) < 1.0:
                                if b == 0:
                                    branch_df[nextb].dist += 0.0001
                                    branch_df[nextb].dist += dist1            
        check = False
        for b in range(1,nbbranches):
            if branch_df[b].iloc[0].dist == 0.:
                check = True
    return branch_df

Let’s call the above function for each catchment:

#ndf1 = combineBranch(branch_df=bdf1)
ndf2 = combineBranch(branch_df=bdf2)

We can now plot the longitudinal profiles:

def plotProfile(dataframe):
    Function for plotting the longitudinal profile.

    ax = plt.gca()

    for branch in range(len(dataframe)-1,-1,-1):
        distance = np.asarray(dataframe[branch].dist)
        elev = np.asarray(dataframe[branch].elev)

        xnew = np.linspace(distance.min(), distance.max(), 10) 
        spl = make_interp_spline(distance, elev, k=3)  # type: BSpline
        elev_smooth = spl(xnew)
        elev_smooth[elev_smooth<0.] = 0.

        plt.plot(xnew, elev_smooth, lw=3)
