Inputs definition

For this second recipe, we will use the same inputs as the ones defined for Recipe 1.

Inputs definition

Used inputs are:

  • an initial mesh with the Gulf of Mexico as the region of interest

  • an elevation set to present-day toppography based on ETOPO5 dataset

  • a rainfall grid extracted from CPC collection of precipitation data sets containing global monthly values since 1979

  • a generic tectonic conditions (uplift/subsidence) where regions above 500 m are uplifted (0.1 cm/yr) and the ones below -10 m are subsiding (-0.1 cm/yr)


For building these forcings, you might want to go to the corresponding Jupyter notebook here.

Visualising inputs from Recipe 1

import meshio
import numpy as np 
import pyvista as pv

paleovtk = 'gospl_data/mesh25km.vtk'

mesh =
elev = mesh.get_array(name='elev')

earthRadius = 6.371e6
scale = 10.
factor = 1.+ (elev/earthRadius)*scale

mesh.points[:, 0] *= factor
mesh.points[:, 1] *= factor
mesh.points[:, 2] *= factor

contour = mesh.contour([0])

plotter = pv.PlotterITK()
plotter.add_mesh(mesh, scalars="elev")
plotter.add_mesh(contour, color="black", opacity=1.)

Building sedimentary layers

Multi-lithologies stratigraphy

We will first create an inital stratigraphic architecture consisting of 3 layers.

It is possible to build a complex layering with variable thicknesses and proportions for each layer. Here, for the sake of simplicity, we will only define layers which have constant spatial characteristics.

Stratigraphic layers in gospl are defined on the unstructured mesh, so first we load this mesh…

# Loading gospl mesh
loadMesh = np.load('gospl_data/mesh25km.npz')
gCoords = loadMesh["v"]
gZ = loadMesh["z"]

Each layer corresponds to a specific time interval and is characterised by a number of parameters:

  • layer thickness (meters)

  • percentage of fine sediment

  • percentatage of weathered sediment

  • elevation at the time of deposition

  • averaged porosity for coarse sediment

  • averaged porosity for fine sediment

  • averaged porosity for weathered sediment

Let’s define each of these variables:

# Define layers variables
H = np.zeros((len(gZ),3)) # thickness
Z = H.copy()              # elevation
Fperc = H.copy()          # fine fraction
Wperc = H.copy()          # weathered fraction
Fphi = H.copy()           # fine porosity
Sphi = H.copy()           # coarse porosity
Wphi = H.copy()           # weathered porosity

Now we will set the initial thicknesses and compositions of the layers assuming uniform parameters:

H[:,0] = 1.0              # 1 m thick
H[:,1] = 5.0e3            # 10 km thick
H[:,2] = 10.0e3           # 10 km thick

Fperc[:,0] = 0.4          # 40% of fines
Fperc[:,1] = 0.4          # 40% of fines
Fperc[:,2] = 0.4          # 40% of fines

Wperc[:,0] = 0.2          # 20% of fines
Wperc[:,1] = 0.2          # 20% of fines
Wperc[:,2] = 0.2          # 20% of fines

Z[:,0] = gZ - 15000.5     # elevation at the centre of layer 0
Z[:,1] = gZ - 12500.0     # elevation at the centre of layer 1
Z[:,2] = gZ - 5000.0      # elevation at the centre of layer 2 

To estimate the porosities we will assume that compaction is dependent on deposition rate and sediment surface porosity following the formulation proposed gospl and explains in more details here.

As such, we first define:

  • surface porosity of sediments,

  • the e-folding sediment thickness for porosity reduction.

phis = 0.49               # Coarse sediment surface porosity
phif = 0.63               # Fine sediment surface porosity
phiw = 0.65               # Weathered sediment surface porosity

z0s = 3700.0              # e-folding coarse sediment thickness for porosity reduction 3700 m
z0f = 1960.0              # e-folding fine sediment thickness for porosity reduction 1960 m
z0w = 1600.0              # e-folding weathered sediment thickness for porosity reduction 1960 m

Using Sclater and Christie, 1980 based on many sedimentary basins observations we then get:

# Weathered sediment porosity for each layer
Wphi0 = phiw * np.exp(-15000.5/z0w)
Wphi1 = phiw * np.exp(-12500./z0w)
Wphi2 = phiw * np.exp(-5000./z0w)
Wphi[:,0] = Wphi0
Wphi[:,1] = Wphi1
Wphi[:,2] = Wphi2

# Fine sediment porosity for each layer
Fphi0 = phif * np.exp(-15000.5/z0f)
Fphi1 = phif * np.exp(-12500./z0f)
Fphi2 = phif * np.exp(-5000./z0f)
Fphi[:,0] = Fphi0
Fphi[:,1] = Fphi1
Fphi[:,2] = Fphi2

# Coarse sediment porosity for each layer
Sphi0 = phis * np.exp(-15000.5/z0s)
Sphi1 = phis * np.exp(-12500./z0s)
Sphi2 = phis * np.exp(-5000./z0s)
Sphi[:,0] = Sphi0
Sphi[:,1] = Sphi1
Sphi[:,2] = Sphi2

We now save the stratigraphic grid (with all defined gospl parameters):

# Save the stratigraphic mesh as a Numpy file...
np.savez_compressed('gospl_data/sedlay25km', strataH=H, strataF=Fperc, strataW=Wperc, strataZ=Z, 
                    phiF=Fphi, phiS=Sphi, phiW=Wphi)

Spatially variable layer composition


To build a spatially variable layer composition one could for example extract specific subsurface shapefiles and define the layers accordingly.

Here we will define a surface layer with one side of the Mississippi drainage basin corresponding to one lithology and the other to a second one.

def xyz2lonlat(coords, radius=6378137.0):
    Convert x,y,z representation of cartesian points of the
    spherical triangulation to lat/lon.

    gLonLat = np.zeros((len(coords), 2))

    gLonLat[:, 1] = np.arcsin(coords[:, 2] / radius)
    gLonLat[:, 0] = np.arctan2(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0])
    gLonLat[:, 1] = np.mod(np.degrees(gLonLat[:, 1]) + 90, 180.0) -90.
    gLonLat[:, 0] = np.mod(np.degrees(gLonLat[:, 0]) + 180.0, 360.0) -180.

    return gLonLat

# Loading gospl mesh
loadMesh = np.load('gospl_data/mesh25km.npz')
gCoords = loadMesh["v"]
gpoints = len(gCoords)
gZ = loadMesh["z"]
gCells = loadMesh["c"]

# Convert to lon/lat coordinates
gLonLat = xyz2lonlat(gCoords)

We now get the points East of longitude -95:

idSed1 = np.where(gLonLat[:,0]>-95)[0]

As for the previous example, we now need to specify the characteristics of each layer.

# Define layers variables
H = np.zeros((len(gZ),3)) # thickness
Z = H.copy()              # elevation
Fperc = H.copy()          # fine fraction
Wperc = H.copy()          # weathered fraction
Fphi = H.copy()           # fine porosity
Sphi = H.copy()           # coarse porosity
Wphi = H.copy()           # weathered porosity

H[:,0] = 1.0              # 1 m thick
H[:,1] = 1.0              # 1 m thick
H[:,2] = 10.0e3           # 10 km thick

We now define the proportion of each sediment present in the sedimentary layers:

# We set the points East of longitude -95 with a specific lithology
Fperc[idSed1,0] = 1.0     # 100% of fines
Fperc[idSed1,1] = 1.0     # 100% of fines
Fperc[idSed1,2] = 1.0     # 100% of fines

# We do not consider any weathered sediments in the stratigraphic layers
Wperc[:,0] = 0.           # 0% of weathered
Wperc[:,1] = 0.           # 0% of weathered
Wperc[:,2] = 0.           # 0% of weathered

Here again, we estimate the porosities assuming that compaction is dependent on deposition rate and sediment surface porosity following the formulation proposed gospl:

Z[:,0] = gZ - 10001.5     # elevation at the centre of layer 0
Z[:,1] = gZ - 10000.5     # elevation at the centre of layer 1
Z[:,2] = gZ - 5000.0      # elevation at the centre of layer 2 

phis = 0.49               # Coarse sediment surface porosity
phif = 0.49               # Fine sediment surface porosity
phiw = 0.65               # Weathered sediment surface porosity

z0s = 3700.0              # e-folding coarse sediment thickness for porosity reduction 3700 m
z0f = 3700.0              # e-folding fine sediment thickness for porosity reduction 1960 m
z0w = 1600.0              # e-folding weathered sediment thickness for porosity reduction 1960 m

# Compute porosity based on above equation
Wphi0 = phiw * np.exp(-10001.5/z0w)
Wphi1 = phiw * np.exp(-10000.5/z0w)
Wphi2 = phiw * np.exp(-5000./z0w)
Wphi[:,0] = Wphi0
Wphi[:,1] = Wphi1
Wphi[:,2] = Wphi2

Fphi0 = phif * np.exp(-10001.5/z0f)
Fphi1 = phif * np.exp(-10000.5/z0f)
Fphi2 = phif * np.exp(-5000./z0f)
Fphi[:,0] = Fphi0
Fphi[:,1] = Fphi1
Fphi[:,2] = Fphi2

Sphi0 = phis * np.exp(-10001.5/z0s)
Sphi1 = phis * np.exp(-10000.5/z0s)
Sphi2 = phis * np.exp(-5000./z0s)
Sphi[:,0] = Sphi0
Sphi[:,1] = Sphi1
Sphi[:,2] = Sphi2

We now save the stratigraphic grid

# Save the stratigraphic mesh as a Numpy file...
np.savez_compressed('gospl_data/surflay25km', strataH=H, strataF=Fperc, strataW=Wperc, strataZ=Z, 
                    phiF=Fphi, phiS=Sphi, phiW=Wphi)

Let’s have a look at the surface sedimentary layer:

vtk_file = 'gospl_data/surflay25km.vtk'

gCoords = loadMesh["v"]
gpoints = len(gCoords)
gZ = loadMesh["z"]
gCells = loadMesh["c"]

vis_mesh = meshio.Mesh(gCoords, {"triangle": gCells},
                       point_data={"elev": gZ,
                                  "propSed":Fperc[:,2] ,
meshio.write(vtk_file, vis_mesh)
mesh = 
elev = mesh.get_array(name='elev')

earthRadius = 6.371e6
scale = 20.
factor = 1.+ (elev/earthRadius)*scale

mesh.points[:, 0] *= factor
mesh.points[:, 1] *= factor
mesh.points[:, 2] *= factor

contour = mesh.contour([0])

plotter = pv.PlotterITK()
plotter.add_mesh(mesh, scalars="propSed")
plotter.add_mesh(contour, color="black", opacity=1.)